
3 Handy Tips for Writing the IELTS Test

If you are considering taking the IELTS test then you should look over the academic requirements and decide whether you will be applying for the academic version or the general training version.

The academic test is for those seeking higher learning and the general test is for immigration purposes or work experience. If you are unsure which test is right for you then a qualified IELTS training organisation will be able to help you arrange the correct test. The IELTS test comprises of 4 parts; listening, reading, writing and speaking. It is the writing section of the test which has the lowest average mark.

This article will cover 3 tips for improving your writing skills to get better results in the IELTS test:

1. Sentences
Each sentence you write should be specific and relate to one point. Although there are no strict rules on sentence length, around 9 to 16 words is generally enough. A sentence that is too long makes it harder to remain consistent with grammar. Also, the chance of a reader understanding a sentence that discusses multiple topics is very low. One of the main reasons students perform poorly on their exams is due to sentences that are too long.

2. Linking Your Sentences
When writing sentences, it is often a good idea to link sentences together to explain your argument. That will also help you form a paragraph that makes sense.

Here are some examples of words to begin the sentence after you make a point:
o As such
o This illustrates that
o This evidence shows
o It is clearly demonstrated that

3. Essay Structure
A simple essay structure comprises 3 parts; introduction, paragraphs (body), and conclusion. The introduction is a general outline of what you will discuss in the body or your essay. Use it to state your argument and outline the points you will be discussing in the body of your essay. You then use the body of your essay to discuss points in more detail. It is good practice to have a paragraph dedicated to each point you are making. The conclusion of the essay then provides a summary of what you discussed in the body of your essay and reinforces your main argument.

Below is a simple and effective essay structure you can use as a guide:

- Briefly describe the topic that is being discussed (first sentence)
- State your view/opinion/hypothesis (second sentence)
- Link your hypothesis to the topic (i.e. link first sentence to second sentence) (third sentence)
- State the points your essay will be covering. If you choose two points then allow one paragraph for each (fourth sentence)

Body Paragraphs
- Create a paragraph for each point you will be covering as identified in your introduction (first sentence)
- Write down an example to illustrate your point (second sentence)
- Connect the example you have shared with the point of your paragraph (third sentence)
- Wrap up the paragraph by connecting the point you made to your hypothesis (fourth sentence)
- If you are making 3 points in your essay then have a body paragraph for each one

- Summarise the body of your essay in a couple of sentences
- Restate your argument
- Finish with a couple of recommendations

By utilising these essay writing tips you will cut down the time needed for planning and your essay writing should be easier. Once you have the confidence to write sentences and link them to each other you have all the skills you need for a basic essay template. If you use these tips in your essay writing skills for the IELTS writing test it will help you improve your results.

Article Source: Tristan Peters